Unlock the true benefits that anti-wrinkle injections are designed to deliver. Fresh, rejuvenated and brighter complexions are always in style. Over time, fine lines, wrinkles, and skin creasing start to appear which can result in lower confidence. “Beauty shots”, as people call anti-wrinkle injections, are the most common, non-invasive cosmetic procedure widely used by women worldwide, with men as of recent also becoming accustomed to this treatment. These injections can make you look young, refreshed, and relaxed without surgery and here at Medi Grace Cosmetic we have got you covered!
What is an anti-wrinkle injection?
The global phenomenon that is Anti-wrinkle injections work by relaxing tense facial muscles and restricting their movement by essentially locally “freezing” the muscle in order to combat fine lines and wrinkles from occurring whilst blurring their appearance. The full-fledged results can be seen and enjoyed typically around 2 weeks post treatment. The effects of anti-wrinkle can generally last from 3-4 months but also depend on the type of treatment and the body’s natural metabolism rate.
What areas are ideal for anti-wrinkle injections?
Given the non-invasive nature of the treatment versus the long-term effects, this treatment is the perfect pick-me-up you will thank yourself for later! The radiant glow that can be achieved has boosted confidence globally and continues to be the number 1 treatment.Anti-wrinkle injections are amazing at blocking nerve impulses and hence can reduce the activity of facial muscle fibres. The procedure allows fine lines and wrinkles to become less visible. Anti-wrinkle injections typically treat the following areas:
- Frown Lines
- Crow’s Feet
- Laughter Lines
- Forehead Lines
- Mouth Lines
- Bunny lines
- Static and Dynamic creases
The team here at Medi grace Cosmetics will give you refreshing skin and a youthful look – even during your lunch break! V2 boosters, StarWalker laser treatment, Ultraformer III Skin Tightening, LED Light Treatment, Silhouette Soft Thread Lift, Chemical Peel, Dermaceutic Product range, and Hydradermabrasion (Hydra Facial) are just some of the other services offered here in clinic!
Over the years, your body adjusts to the injection. You will not need to visit us as often as you did for the first few times. As the skin gets accustomed to the injection, the frequency of the injection will decrease, and you will need the treatment less often.
When To Start Anti-Wrinkle Injections?
Anti-wrinkle injections are viewed as a preventative against aging, and can be administered after the age of 18. Wrinkles are a part of the normal ageing process, however if it bothers you, you might utilise anti-wrinkle injections around the typical age bracket between 21-65.
Book in your FREE skin consultation today to discuss your objectives with an expert here at Medi Grace Cosmetic, and based on your skin issues, we will advise you about the anti-wrinkle treatment process in further detail.